A question I often asked, and was also frequently asked of me, when taking my A Level Government and Politics was what changes I could make to improve their quality and thereby my grades. I believe that a frequently forgotten, but incredibly valuable tool in A Level Politics essays is the use of examples to articulate a student's point. It's all well and good stating that the Vice President of the US has the deciding vote in the case of a tie in Senate voting but adding an example to this fact adds another, sophisticated layer to the argument a student is trying to convey. Using a modern example transcends this point further still; examiners often see the same example repeated in a number of papers as many students revise from the same text book but when a student uses a unique, modern day example it not only sets their answer above the others but also demonstrates a knowledge and enthusiasm in the subject at hand. Using the example of VP Mike Pence having to use his vote to ensure Betsy DeVos's appointment as Education Secretary takes the aforementioned point to a new level which examiners mark higher.