The 3 terms of this equation can be integrated separately. The general integration of xn is (xn+1)/n+1 where n is a real number not equal to -1. This can be applied to the terms 2x4, -4/sqrt(x) and 3 separately. 2x5 becomes (2x5)/5. -4/sqrt(x) can be rewritten as -4x-0.5 which integrates as -4x0.5/(0.5) which can be simplified as -8sqrt(x). Finaly, 3 will become 3x (this is because 3 can be rewritten as 3x0 so will therefore integrate as 3x).
All together this gives the following equation as the solution: (2x5 )/5- 8sqrt(x) +3x + C (don't forget the +C after every integration)