Conservative beleive that humans are inperfect, selfish and self-serving. They subscribe to a hobbesian view of human nature, meaning that they believe that without a state to enforce order, society will collapse and tend towards chaos. This leads Conservatives to advocate for a a strong state that can effectively enforce law and order. This imperfection extends to the intellectual capacity of humans, meaning that they are fearful of broad principles such as 'equality' that Conservatives beleive humans cant really understand.Some Conservatives defend tradition from a religious perspective, ‘god given’. Most however, defend it as theaccumulated wisdom of the past, it has worked in the past and created a stable society which humans seek.Institutions and customs have stood the test of time and have succeeded in ‘natural selection’’ (Darwinian). Traditionalso gives identity to individuals, through familiarity with customs the individual is reassured that they belong in asociety.