Firstly, don’t panic. It’s perefctly normal to have too many ideas and find it difficult to choose one, or have none at all. Think about what other subjects you’re studying- are there any areas within these subjects that you wished you could pursue further and have great interest in? Alternatively, is there a subject that you wished you had taken and would love the opportunity to learn about? Think about the type of EPQ you would like to undertake- a written essay or a more practical project. Once you have an idea of the field of study you want to explore, start brainstorming more specific questions you might want to know more about. The final question needs to be niche enough to not be something you could lift from a single textbook with ease, but not too specialised that it’s very difficult to find any information on.Questions often make the best titles, as they aren’t too open ended which allows you to have more direction and can find writing conclusions easier. Lastly, don’t worry, EPQ students will often make alterations to their titles for a long time before they are happy- I certainly did.
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