Medicine and dentistry are very competitive courses with limited spaces, so the application process can be very long and frustratingly hard but I will take the student through every process that I did using the resources and tips are used to allow them to have a successful application.
For the personal statement, you will need to talk about:-work experience + what you learnt and memorable instances ( be specific and personal, say what you genuinely found interesting)-examples where you showed you're a team player (team leader too but team player is more important) - did you do any team research projects? Do you have a part time job? Volunteering?-times you've shown empathy - you need to show that you are good and meeting the needs of others in a warm and genuine manner (do you have any examples from part time job? volunteering at a care home?)-manuel dexterity - this is for dentistry! (the weirder the hobby the better, don't say knitting or other predictable things) - dentistry is a very hands on, showing you have practical skills e.g. baking, art, sewing shows it interests you!-show you're a social well-rounded person - do you do sports? play instruments? what do you genuinely do in your spare time? You need to show you are a normal person that needs to "destress"-show you're good at communicating - again do volunteering? work? baby sitting or tutoring? Show you can communicate well to people of all ages and backgrounds!-express love for science - anatomy, biology and chemistry are the core of medicine and dentistry! You need to show you have an admiration for topics like these since you will be learning about them for 5 or more years!
Also find a good reason for why you wan't medicine/dentistry and why it is the "perfect" degree for you eg. help people, love science, flexible hours? - e.g I said that in dentistry, a patient presents you a problem and with your help you can solve that problem in 15 minutes in comparison to medicine where there are many referrals (I didn't word it like this but its easier to understand for the student)
Most important is making you're PS flowing, and not boring!!
If the student wants to continue, I will take them through any UKCAT issues and then hopefully interviews, helping with possible scenarios and questions!
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