Arguably the most important aspect of a good psychology grade is strong technique in your essays, particularly your 16 markers. These 16 markers can prove more challenging due to the different parts that must be incorporated. They must have facts which have been backed up by evidence whilst also showing a well balanced and rounded argument to form a conclusion to answer the specific question that is being asked. Whilst this may seem a difficult task it can be broken down in to a less daunting process. Firstly split the question, a long essay should be 6 marks AO1 (facts and figures) and 10 marks A03 (evaluation and argument), sticking to these figures will mean all marks can be accessed. The easiest way to improve is to practice, this can be done by practicing whole essays or just an individual PEEL paragraph on a particular point. Practicing paragraphs helps you build up your essays and if every time you read an interesting fact or study you note down the PEEL then you will build up your essay preparation. After this, time can be spent constructing these PEEl points into whole essays and the technique will improve.