The first thing you should be doing when you read a question is to make sure that you understand exactly what it is asking from you for which subject knowledge is extremely important. Underlining or highlighting the key words in the question will help you with this. Often, students will lose marks purely because they didn't read the question properly or just missed out key bits. You don't want to lose easy marks. Always look at the marks available for each question to get a good idea of how much to write. For example, for a 2 mark question, you should be writing two key points and make sure that you use scientific terminology. After writing your answer, read over it and make sure that you have directly answered the question and used the correct terminology. Exam technique is a key part of these exams and is something that you will pick up the more you practice past questions. Many questions in exams are repeats from old papers. Make sure you learn the answers to all the generic questions beforehand.