Firstly, read the question and highlight any topic words or sentences that allude to what exactly the examiner is asking of you. Once you have done that, analyse the insert paper provided, by highlighting and making notes (in chronological order - as this sometimes helps with students, as I have found in the past, students struggle with maintaining ideas or key points to write about, therefore causing them to procrastinate during sessions) of key structural tools to achieve its effect. Students should already have some premediated knowledge of structural devices however some may include, change in focus, repetition, patterns, punctuation and tense changes etc. Once the student has highlighted and examined their insert paper (no longer than 5-6 mins, practice is key in this element as student should be looking at working towards timed conditions, particularly for any upcoming exams), they should be looking to write their responses, referring back to any quotes they assimilated from the insert paper, and then with their knowledge of structural tools, use that as elements to convey what the intention/or emotion the author is trying to evoke of its readers.