For After 1890, Wilhelm pursued Weltpolitik in which he sought to increase German influence in Africa and the World -> direct competition with Britain and France which then overturns the previous ‘balance of power’ which Bismarck successfully pursued Wilhelm admiration for British navy wanted a matching navy themselves.Obvious expansions aims - desire to build a railway from Berlin to Baghdad to seize oil in Iraq which was British controlled … Military had the desire to have another battle/war because the had not had one since 1871 . Felt the fighting was was good and makes the country stronger German industrialisation - the Germans would not have the courage to bring to action their foreign policies without the weaponry and the technology to back it up … seen in the Schleiffen plan. You cannot imagine Germany’s foreign policy without itBlank Check - given to Austria Hungary making Serbia much more willing to take risks and produce the ultimatum Against The Germans were not the only ones with a war plan (plan 17) by France proving that Germany was not the only one with aggressive intentions. Even Britain had made plans to develop a stronger professional army. ‘Scramble for Africa’ war with Dutch vs British in Congo know as the Boer War. Russia was looking to expand their sphere of influence in the Balkans and openly supported Slav nationalism, a major source of tension in Europe.