Start by stating the function of the lungs: gas exchangenext go though the adaptations, with the number of available marks guiding the number of adaptations ~ 1 per mark
Fick's law of diffusion states that: the rate of diffusion is proportional to )Surface Area x Concentration difference)/ diffusion distance therefore, a large Surface Area and concentration gradient with a small diffusion distance is required
Large surface area to volume ratio increases the rate of diffusion across the membrane of the alveoli into the capillaries a high concentration gradient is maintained by the constant pumping of blood by the heart through the capillaries, thereby bring new blood, with CO2 and the ventilation of the lungs bringing O2, with high conc. gradient, the rate of diffusion increasesthe alveoli of the lungs, or air sacs are surrounded by a large capillary network, with the walls of both the alveoli and capillaries very thing ( 1 cell layer each) this decreases diffusion distance and therefore increases rate Surfactant lines the inner walls of the alveoli, which increases rate of diffusionThe internal core body temperature of ~37.5 degrees celsius is higher than room temperature and consequently increases the rate of diffusion