That’s a great question, and it can be very easy once you know how! Once the marker has made sure that you covered all the points in the brief, they are looking for a couple more things. The first thing they’ll look at is how good your grammar is; that gives them a general idea of the mark they’re going to give you. For an A grade essay, the marker is looking for you to go above and beyond and add some flair to your essay! This can be as simple as adding an impressive tense, like the pluperfect. Another thing that markers really like to see is a great structure. Adding some connecting phrases like “Cependant” (However), “De temps en temp” (From time to time) and “Néanmoins” (Nevertheless) will help the marker follow your train of thought. If you really want to take it up a notch, I can teach you how to add a subjunctive phrase that will wow your marker!