The Gerund is also known as the Present Participle*. These are the '-ing' words; for example the infinitive 'to garden' becomes 'gardening' in present participle form.The formation:1) Take the nous form (1st person pl.) from the present conjugation, ending '-ons'.2) Take off the '-ons' ending and replace with '-ant'EG manger- to eat, nous mangeons - we eat, mangeant- eating3) use this form with pronoun 'en' to express actions that take place at the same time. This is translated as 'by' or 'while'.EG Elle bois son café en écoutant de la musique (while)4) it can also express condition. This can be translated as 'if'EG en jardinant trop, tu vas être fatigué. 5) it can express how something happens,EG j'ai appris à jardiner en lisant des livres. (by)NB negation: around the present participle, but not the 'en'NB reflexive or object pronouns plus negatives: negative goes around pronoun and verb. NB Irregulars : ayant, éyant, sachant