In order to write a high quality essay question it needs to contain some key elements. To make a good impression to your examiner you need to start with a good but concise introduction to introduce some of the key points you are going to discuss in your essay, use some key words in order to show the examiner from the beginning that you have a strong understanding of the subject. Once you get to the main body of your essay, decide whether you want to split your essay into key themes, characters or chronologically depending on the question. Try not to stray from these key points otherwise you risk rambling and losing marks and time. It is also important that you write a conclusion at the end of your essay in order to round off your essay neatly. You may express in your conclusion whether you believe that the author has effectively used the said method or character to achieve an aim in the play or novel. If the essay is comparable you may also suggest which author has used the method or character in the most effective way and state why. We can go over a practice paper, and talk through each section in more detail.
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