There are many instances when we need to use the subjunctive. As a verbal mood (as opposed to a tense), you should use the subjunctive when expressing opinions, feelings/emotions, doubt, desire, and after certain expressions. A Level examiners often look out for subjunctive expressions in both oral and written exams, so it's important that you can understand when to use them, and how to form them. Here are some commonly used examples:Opinion:pensare che/ credere che...I think that the jacket is too big.Penso che la giacca SIA troppo grande. (essere)I believe that the government has too much power.Credo che il governo ABBIA troppo potere. (avere)Feelings:avere paura che/ essere contento cheI'm worried that is is cold outside.Ho paura che FACCIA freddo fuori. (fare)I am happy that you have arrived.Sono contento che tu SIA arrivato. (essere)Doubt:dubitare che/ non essere sicuro cheDubito che lui possa farlo. (potere) I doubt that he can do it. Non sono sicura che lei lavori bene. (lavorare)I'm not sure that she works well.Desire:desiderare che/ preferire cheDesidero che il pacchetto arrivi presto. (arrivare)I hope that the parcel arrives soon.