Generally, examiners are looking to see how perceptive you are and how well you understand the text in accordance with the question you are given. Something I personally found useful was using a structure like 'PEEEAEL' for each paragraph; Point, Evidence, Explain, more Evidence, Analysis, Evidence and Link back to the question. Each new sentence of your paragraph should tell the examiner something new. Wishing your first 'EE', highlight the technique used in the evidence you have selected such as metaphor or pathetic fallacy. Then upon further analysis, highlight your skills with a shorter quote and deeper analysis than the first. Make sure you link back to the question to keep yourself on track and highlight to the examiner that you are answering the question. Of course, a structure like this can seem too rigid so if it seems too limiting for you, perhaps use it as a guidelines for your own work. More of a helping hand rather than a checklist. And remember that nothing you write is wrong, as long as you can make it relevant and link it back to the question.