The first thing to do in an exam situation is to make sure that you have checked beforehand what to expect in the exam paper, and allotted each section a specific amount of time so that you can try to stay on track. This is where practice is really important, which is something that I or your teachers can help you with, as doing questions against time is a great way to working out your writing speed and how long you take to plan. When you open your paper take a moment to read the question through a few times, and identify the key words. It is essential to understand what is being asked - many marks have been dropped on account of a misread question! Planning is best done with a for and against strategy. First take a stance - you need to sure of what you're arguing, and it will help you to avoid being too narrative in your writing. A plan under timed conditions is best made in bullet points or as a mind map, whichever works best for you. Make a list of three points for your argument, and for each of those points write a piece of evidence which supports it. Then do the same for three points against your argument, and then attach to each of these points a piece of evidence that refutes them or proves that your stance is stronger. This way you are able to show that you understand both sides of the debate, but are certain in your answer. If you are struggling to come up with the three points for each side, try approaching the topic from three angles: social, political, and economic, and that should help get you thinking. Most importantly, don't panic! The planning stage is a chance for you to collect your thoughts and set yourself up for the rest of the exam, and a good chance to show yourself how much you know and can remember before you go and show the examiners!