Essay Plan in favour of the legalisation, regulation and taxation of cannabis Legislation: start off with main reason for cannabis being illegal is the health risks one can face, however: personal liberties vs nanny state argument, inconsistent application of the law as other drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal, war of drugs cannot be won but just criminalises the users, cannabis quality on black market often bad or mixed with other more harmful chemicals, --> take away the market from very dubious drug sellers, end with justice system should focus on more pressing issues such as national security and stop wasting resources on a "war" that cannot be won Regulation: as cannabis does pose certain health risks there has to be sufficient regulation to make consumers aware of these, e.g. sale only in licensed shops/pharmacies which have to inform costumers of health risks and ask for their family's record regarding mental health issues (cannabis poses a significant risk for these people) --> doing so many disadvantages of legalisation can be countered Taxation: legalisation can be used to invest for one in programmes for drug addicts (help instead of criminalise the consumers who become addicted/are affected seriously), rebuttal: taxes would lead to an increase in price which would result in people buying from the black market nonetheless, refute rebuttal: level of taxation must not lead to an increased price above the contemporary price for cannabis on the black market, making legal cannabis more attractive Conclusion: wrap up with one sentence for each block and reaffirm position