Personal statements for Oxbridge applicants are slightly different to other universities, as they need to show your academic interest in your subject, what you have done to further this interest and why you want to study the subject. The statement and the interviews are done to assess whether you are the right kind of student for the supervision-style of teaching at Oxbridge. Therefore, it makes sense to start your statement with a few sentences about why you are passionate about your subject and want to study it to a higher level. In my experience, the rest of the statement could be formatted by highlighting an area of interest in your course and things you have done to expand on this interest e.g. reading, attending lectures or work experience. While you are writing, separate each point into distinct paragraphs, even though you may have to cut down on words or edit slightly later. Towards the end of the statement you could allow for 2-3 sentences about your interests outside of academia e.g. playing an instrument or involvement in extra-curricular projects, although this should be brief and try to relate it in some way to how it makes you suitable for academia. Remember to conclude your statement by reinforcing why you want to study your subject.
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