Object pronouns are a widely used way to say less in French. Today, I will explain how to use direct object pronouns. They are very useful to avoid repeating the same nouns two sentences in a row. The direct object pronouns can replace the object, the person or the action of a sentence. It comes before all parts of the verb. You can ask yourself the questions 'Who?' or 'What?' after the verb to guide you.Eg: Il lit un livre. Il le lit.(He is reading a book. He is reading it)What is Marie reading? A book.-> le replaces a noun group in the masculine singular formJe mange un gâteau. Je le mange.(I am eating a cake. I am eating it.)-> la replaces a noun group in the feminine singular form Je mange une pomme. Je la mange.(I am eating an apple. I am eating it.)-> l' replaces a noun group in the masculine or feminine singular form before a vowelJ'entends Marie chanter. Je l'entends chanter.(I hear Marie singing. I hear her.)-> les replaces a noun group in the masculine or feminine plural formJe vois mes cousines dancer. Je les vois dancer.(I see my cousins dancing. I see them dancing.)