These verbs sound the same, but they don't mean the same. "Κλείνω" means "to close" and it can be used in different contexts. For instance, we say "κλείνω τα μάτια μου", "κλείνω την πόρτα" and they are translated as "I close my eyes" and "I close the door" respectively. The verb "κλίνω" has two meanings. The first one is "to conjugate", so it is observed in contexts concerning grammar. To illustrate, we say "κλίνω το ρήμα είμαι" which means that "I conjugate the verb to be". The other meaning of this verb is "to lean", that is when someone or somenthing is or moves into a sloping position. For instance, in the phrase "κλίνω το κεφάλι μου", basically "I lean my head".
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