There are 4 common kinds of stage. They are Proscenium Arch stage, Thrust stage, Traverse stage and 'in the round' stage. Proscenium Arch (PA) stages are usually the biggest and are most commonly used for high production value performances, those with a high budget, as the large backstage and overhead spaces allow for large sets to be flown on and off stage using wires or electrics. The audience sit end on and look only onto the action on stage. They have overhead lighting and on stage lighting, usually high tech LEDs.Thrust stages are similar to Proscenium arch in that they usually have large backstage areas but alternatively to PA the front of the stage curves out into the audience and so the audience can see the action both end on and from sides when acting is done on the thrust. They have overhead lighting and on stage lighting.Traverse stages are similar to a fashion runway, with audience sitting either side of the stage looking across the action and to the other audience. They usually have no overhead space and the backstage area is small, low representative sets are usually used. They usually only use overhead lighting.Lastly you have 'in the round' stages, they are usually performed in a black box theatre. An open room painted black. The audience sits on all sides of the stage and exits/entrances are made from the corner. Usually the audience is on the same level as the action creating intimacy. Low representative sets and props are usually used. They only use overhead lighting or prop lighting (EG candle/torch)Other kinds of stage include platform stages, action happens raised on platform above audience, hippodromes, similar to circus tents, open-air stages, similar to PA but no overhead space as no roof, and many more but the 4 mentioned before are the most common and most important.