To begin with, let's break down the question! We know this is on the topic of 'Free Will and Determinism'. In simple terms the quote argues we are "determined by our upbringing and social conditioning" and we will need to discuss this using other sides of the argument. Have a think about whether you think 'upbringing and social conditioning' is the most convincing argument for human nature and morality, and thus whether you will agree with the quote, or whether you think there is a better argument which you will use to disagree with and 'disprove' the quote. (Remember there's no right or wrong answer!)
For the sake of this plan I have a chosen to argue against the quote, and all forms of determinism, saying that we have free will.
Unpick the question, briefly laying out the key debate at hand (free will vs. determinism) and why it is important to human nature.Outline some of the theories surrounding the question; the incompatabilist theories that we have no free will and the world is causally determined and the libertarian view that "man chooses not of necessity but freely" (Aquinas). Also soft determinist theory which falls somewhere in between.What are you going to argue: Free will. Why: More optimistic, makes the most sense, gives life purpose.
Paragraph 1/2: Determinism
This is where you lay out the arguments for determinism (link it back to the original quote if you can to show you have a good grasp of the question)
Psychological determinism; upbringing/social conditioningOther forms of determinism; scientific/ theological
Paragraph 3: Libertarianism
Begin by commenting on how the above mentioned arguments for determinism are not as convincing as the argument for free will and the moral self's freedom.
Use any quotes, examples that you feel give strength to this side of the argument. This is your chance to say why you think Free will is the most convincing argument.
Paragraph 4: Soft determinism
If you have time, it would be interesting to explain the 'compatabilist' theory that does not view determinism and free will as mutually exclusive.
However, make sure to finish this paragraph with a comment on how libertarianism is still preferable.
Make sure you leave enough time for a conclusion! It would be great if you could finish with a nice quote, or a comment that leaves the reader wanting more!
This is where you tie everything together. Say why libertarianism is the best theory for our morality and why the others fail.
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