When you look at or read a source, you need to bear in mind the following,Source : where does it come from? Make sure to look at the date and think about who wrote it.Objective : why was it written / produced? Could this make the source biased? Usefulness : Does it help you to answer the question? Reliability : can it be trusted?Context : How does your background knowledge help? What can you pull out of your own knowledge to help you answer the question and back up your points.
After reading the source once, read it again, highlight the parts of the source you can use in your answer. When it comes to writing it, remember to always use examples to back up what you are saying, and remember to answer the question.
Comparing sources You will usually be given one primary source, and one secondary. Primary sources give a good indication of how a person in that society may have felt, without there being any bias due to hindsight- time can warp memory of an experience. However secondary sources can be good as they can give an overall view of a situation. It is important to read the information given to you about who and when a source was written, and it is useful information to compare.