In terms of a personal statement regardless the subject, it could be divided into three main categories; school, extracurricular and super curricular. The whole point of a personal statement is to show your interest in the subject you want to study at university as well as the fact that you are a well-rounded person. In terms of school work, this could include positions you have held within the school such as prefect, or part of the head girl/boy team. Additionally school work could show, in terms of a portfolio, work you have done in school and any essays which could have won competitions. In terms of extracurricular work, it could be any sports teams that you were associated with or any after school clubs that you were part of or led. Extracurricular would be classified as things that were done outside school. For example attending lectures or summer schools. Additionally it could be attending museums that are related to the course or art galleries. Reading books that are related to your course also helps.
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