Seeing as this is arguably an essay or short essay topic the answer given below will be a brief summation of what a student may want to include in their answers in regards to this specific text as well as how answers could also be shaped around other texts. The novel itself is set amidst the Great Depression and therefore the depiction of struggle would be a starting point for ways in which we can analyse this novel. However, students may also pick up on how the first chapter essentially lays down important themes for the novel, including struggle, but goes beyond iterating what kind of struggle these men faced or how things happened, and instead delves into the effects of these struggles, while reminding the reader of the influences of why said struggles were important. In regards to OMAM specifically, for textual anaylsis linked to context the role of Slim and his solitude, Candy's isolation and age as well as the allegory his dog represents, the prostitution night out and Crook's scene will all be vital to a strong answer.
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