Flemings left hand rule is just a way for us to be able to work out what would happen during circumstances such as the generator and motor effect. The first thing you need to know is what it looks like and what it represents. Take your left hand and a closed fist and point your thumb upwards. Then point forwards with your fore finger. And with your second finger, point to the right so that your thumb and two fingers are all at right angles to each other. Your thumb represents motion, remember this by thinking about how the M in thuMb is for motion. Your first finger or fore finger is for the field, which will show the direction of the magnetic field (north to south). And your second finger will represent current, try and focus on the C for current in seCond to remember this one. In a question you will get told two of the three things on your left hand. For example, current direction and field direction which leaves us being able to use Flemings left hand rule to work out the direction of the motion.