Essay OutlineIntroduction: This part should introduce the subject matter of the essay and give an overview of the paper. Present the topic, define mirror neurons and give some background on the research and development of the theory up to now. Present the structure and content of the essay and a brief anticipation of your aims/conclusions.Main body: This part should contain the main argumentation and should focus around the main question the essay is trying to answer. Present and contrast different theories on the function of mirror neurons and suppor your claims with research. Focus on theories arguing for the position that mirror neurons allow for action understanding and contrast them with theories that go against this position. Present relevant research to support your argumentation for and against these ideas. Critically evaluate the theories and the research supporting them. Within the main body you should present both sides of the argument, but also work towards your conclusion.Conclusion: This section should provide a summary of the work and clearly state your conclusions. Provide a brief summary of the main body of the essay, referring back to your argumentation, but avoid referencing specific studies again (it is good however to refer back to specific theories, e.g. "research has provided inconsistent support for theory A..."). Clearly state your conclusions on the topic (e.g. whether you think the evidence points to A or B) and add some concluding remarks if necessary (e.g. "the evidence reviewed thus far provides conflicting results, thus this area warrant more research). I would, however, recommend picking a side to argue for even when there is conflicting evidence.