To break down this question, first think about identifying what structural features are. You can address structural features at a whole text level (e.g. openings/beginnings, endings, perspective shifts), at a paragraph level (e.g. topic change, cohesion of ideas) and at a sentence-level (sentence length/type, where it contributes to the structure as a whole). To mark higher, you might comment on an individual-word level (e.g. transitions, connectives) where it contributes to the structure as a whole.As per mark scheme, a high-marking answer provides perceptive analysis and detailed understanding of structural features. Low-marking answers provide simple and generic comments on structural features, with little or inaccurate use of examples and subject vocabulary. Make sure to explain why each feature might have been used, with relevance to the text. To analyse the effects of a writer's choice of structural features and support your argument, use a range of relevant examples and use subject terminology accurately.