Firstly, No Fear Shakespeare is a great place to start. It is a resource where it places the original text next to a translated version to help understand Shakespeare in a modern day context. It is available free online but you can also purchase the texts on Amazon if you prefer to have a physical copy. Alternatively, watching performances of Shakespeare where you can see an actor's delivery of a line or actions on stage can hugely help understanding, particularly in his comedies where the jokes may be lost to a modern audience. Most plays will have a version of some kind online: YouTube is a great place to start. I would always recommend an RSC production if it is available. Alternatively, if it is accessible for you, the RSC offers tickets for 16-25 year olds for only £5 to see the plays performed live at Stratford, which is a very immersive and true to life experience. This will not only help with the understanding of language, but also allow you to understand how a modern day audience reacts to Shakespeare and how this might compare to an audience of the era.
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