Good question, this has happened to us all! First of all, don't panic. Take time to read through the poem carefully a few times over. Ask yourself the following questions:1) Who is the speaker? (not the same as the poet, remember to separate them)2) How is the poem structured? (think about whether the stanzas or long or short or a mixture, whether there's a rhyme scheme etc. If there doesn't seem to be any sort of structure- that's a really interesting point! What effect does this have?)3) Are there any poetic devices I can pick up on? (look for emotive language, alliteration, metaphor etc)4) Does the poem develop or change from beginning to end?Choose a few of these points that you think you could talk about and highlight a quotation you could use for each of them. Think about what effect the point you've chosen has on the tone/feel of the poem. Write about why the poet may have chosen that, and think of a couple of different interpretations if you can. It doesn't matter if you're right or not, just show the examiner that you can reflect on it.