In the introduction I would define and explain, briefly, the key terms in the question. The main terms that I would focus on are market failure as the misallocation of resources in an economy; and explain sugary drinks as a demerit good, ones that are are overconsumed in a free market.For the main arguments/ points in the essay I would use a negative externality in consumption diagram and provide at least three reasons as to why they occur. Such reasons could be addictiveness, lack of awareness of long-term risks associated with their consumption (myopia), prices are too low, lack of accountability of the impact the consumption has on wider society (referring directly to the diagram for analysis).At the end of each point I would add a long paragraph for evaluation as this is where the majority of marks are gained. Evaluation is usually best shown by starting the paragraph with: however, on the other hand, etc.Finally, I would write a conclusion to state my final point of view on the question.