The trick to writing a clear and concise essay is PLANNING. Planning is essential in helping you to establish a clear line of argument. Without planning, the essay can lose focus as you write it. An example of a plan could be:Introduction - directly addressing the question at hand, using keywords that the question provides. Outline what the essay will investigate and analyse.Then create 3 points of analysis. (You could create more points, but this will change depending on how long you want the essay to be)An example of a point of analysis could be, analysing an author's structuring of language (syntax, free indirect discourse, verse and prose, short and long sentences). A paragraph of analysis will:Identify what the author achievesHow do they achieve this, using evidence directly from the text.Why is this effective (e.g. why does rain create a sad atmosphere?)Relate the point back to the question and overall argumentFinally, the essay will end with a conclusion. This is an integral part of writing an effective essay as it is the last thing that an examiner will read. The conclusion needs to be concise, briefly reflecting on all the points made in the essay. Conclude the essay by stating whether the evidence found supports the argument that you have made.
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