This is an easy question for students to fall in an Oxbridge interview. What interviewers want to see here is scope of understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of Medicine. It is such a varied course and requires a student who is interested in a wide range of scientific areas of study and not one area of epigenetic research (which they may have researched for interview preparation!)One mistake many students make is not taking the time at the start to think about what you want to say and structure the answer accordingly. You run the risk of talking without any logical structure, for an extended time – leaving the interviewer none-the-wiser on your position!The student needs to mention the non-scientific areas of medicine that they are interested by eg. soft skills, management, communication developments. This is a good time to add in work experience links to allow the interviewer to gain insight into how your work experience allowed you to see practice which interested you (hopefully!)
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