Golden rays of joy radiate through time-honoured glass. Bells sing, calling to students and teachers alike. It is a cheerful Friday afternoon; an air of feverish delirium coats the school. Picturesque and welcoming, the school grounds dot the surrounding area, and serene seagulls patrol the blue jewel that is the sky. Sprawled throughout the countryside, magnificent, breathtaking trees overlook the lethargic animals which bask in the rare sunlight blessing the land. However, all comes to life when the school bell rings, symbolising the congregation of assembly. It is time. Light streams through majestic stained glass windows, creating a sense of spirituality to this house of God. A colossal organ creates melodies of harmony which sweep over the incoming congregation. The Chapel itself has created a sense of anticipation merely through its aesthetic grandeur. Towering pillars watch over both students and staff, epitomising the importance and splendour of this occasion. A magnificent brass bell continuously rings, challenging all to converse with God.A scrum of anticipation edges towards the Lord’s house. Boisterous youths engaging in belligerent banter wear faces of joy, watching the loose ties of their comrades swing like in the air. Whilst teachers chastise confounded children, freshly appointed prefects run around, desperately trying to employ their adolescent authority. Irate housemasters watch like hawks, ensuring that their youthful charges control themselves. The headmaster monitors the rush of children into the chapel with a watchful eye, daring people to step out of line. Sweat-stained shirts and meretricious suits betray the attempts by teachers to evoke sophistication and elegance. Gauche shoes parcel the feet of professors who, while they talk as if they are from the uppermost pillar of society, wear loafers that strongly contrast this perception. Tired, worn out educators collapse into their seats at the back of the chapel, their drowsy eyes fighting to stay awake. Already surfeited with the ritualistic ordeals of an English public school, feet tap impatiently and fidgeting fingers wander.
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