In bar 7 Vaughn Williams uses a rising phrase to reflect the text 'shining'. This could be to reflect how the sun rises as it shines in the same way the musical phrase does. This is followed by the phrase 'timber shaded', which Vaughn Williams sets to a falling phrase, shading off in energy and dynamic, parallel to the text. The word 'whistle' in bar 12 is on the highest note of the phrase. This could be to mimic the high pitched sound of a bird whistling. In the final phrase of this verse, the text 'lean down' in bar 17 has tenuto markings. Tenuto markings mean to lean on or put weight (longer and louder) on the note. This clearly parallels the meaning of the text 'lean down'. The next word in the phrase is 'low', which is on the lowest note in the phrase. Vaughn Williams effectively and clearly mimics the text on this word 'low' by the note being pitched low in the phrase. In the second verse, in bar 27-28 the phrase 'hushed their singing' is set to a falling phrase so that the music is hushing in parallel with the meaning of the text. In bar 41 there is an 'animato' marking, which in this case means to speed up in an animated style. Here the text has the words 'make money faster'. Vaughn Williams has effectively used the speeding up of the music to represent the meaning of 'faster' in the text. To conclude, Vaughn Williams effectively sets text to music by reflecting the meaning of the lyrics in musical features.