Step 1: Identify the key words in the question. e.g "Explore how Wilde presents social status in The Importance of Being Earnest" Step 2: Identify key scenes in the play in which Wilde explores the notion of social status, then find them in the text. Step 3: Having contextualised the idea of social status in the play think more widely as to how and why Wilde is using his craft to comment on this, here comes your historical context (note some of these ideas down)Step 4: Having done the above, your mind will start to narrow down the possible points you might have to argue in your essay, jot these down - try to come up with three points, if you can't, then two strong points will suffice (quality over quantity!!). Step 5: Go back to the scenes you identified and try to find the best three quotes about social status from each. Jot these down under the points you came up with (where they might be most fitting) There you go, you have the body of your essay all scanned out. A good plan leads to a good essay, especially under timed conditions.
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