For every question it is best to start with a definition. Even if you're not sure how to approach and answer the question properly, a definition demonstrates knowledge and will reward you with a couple of marks.
If it is only worth 5 or 6 marks then after the definition you need to briefly explain possible consequences of the question. For example: Explain how limited liability affects the business?
For this question you would state one or two points and very briefly analyse them such as how the owners aren't attached to the business so should it be in debt, only what is invested will be lost and not personal possessions. If you briefly analyse two points you'll get full marks.
For an 'analyse' question or 'evaluate', a lot more detail is required. Start with a definition again but then you'll thoroughly analyse the question with 3 or 4 steps for each point you make. If it is worth 10 marks I'd recommend 2 or 3 points thoroughly analysed. For an evaluate question, depending on the marks available, 3-4 points is usually enough with a good conclusion to finish off, summarising your points and linking back to the question.