1) Wind- strong winds blow the evapourated water away from the leaf so that when it condenses, it will not go back into the leaf via the stoma
2) Temperature- high temperatures lead to higher rates of transpiration as water will evapourate from the spongy mesophyll cell and diffuse out of the open stomata down a concentration gradient
3)Humidity- High levels of humidity (atmospeheric water vapour) in the atmosphere will decrease transpiration rate because there will be a lower concentration gradient between inside and outside of the leaf for the water vapour to diffuse down into the atmosphere
4) Time of day- In the day when the sun is shining,photosynthesis occurs in sunlight, so there is a higher rate of transpiration because the stomata are open to facilitate gas exchange so the plant can take in CO2, whereas at night, with no sun, no photosynthesis happens so th plat doesn't need to take in CO2 for photosynthesis, so stomata close and therefore water can't leave