Getting into medical school takes a lot of time and preparation but it can be done! There are many different aspects to think about when producing a good medical school application, so it’s important to stay organized throughout the process. The following are some of the main things that need to be considered when applying to study medicine:-Grade requirements -Personal statement -Entrance exam preparation (i.e. UCAT, BMAT)-Interview preparationBreaking things down into smaller components like this beforehand will make it easier for you to track your progress as you go along. Now you can plan how you'll tackle each section. For example, ensure you are aware of what the grade requirements and necessary entrance exams for each university you’re applying to are. If you are required to take an entrance exam (such as the UCAT or BMAT), make sure you know its structure and leave yourself enough time to prepare/ revise. It’ll also be helpful to plan the layout of your personal statement before you start writing it- maybe you'll want to organize some work experience for yourself that you could write about. Keep your goals in mind and stay organized- this will make the process of applying to medical school a lot less daunting!
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