The best way to structure an essay is by using PQA - Point, Quote, Analysis. Use this structure and 5 minuntes to plan your essay. Whilst this is annoying it will make for a better essay in the long run. (Remember, quality not quantity!).
Once you have your main points you can get to writing. A big tip is to write your introduction last, as an essay in exam conditions can take many twists. Your introduction should guide the reader. They should know what your essay is going to argue and what themes you are going to use to do so.
A good revision technique is practicing essay questions in timed conditions. A shorther activity is using PQA on a quote. Ask yourself, what point is the quote making? What literary techniques can I point to to exemplify the point that is being made? How can think point be linked to a literary or historical context?
Master this and your essay should slot into place with ease!
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