Nature: behaviour is heredity.
Nurture: behaviour is caused by the environment, experience and learning.
Interactionist approach: the belief that both nature and nurture are essential to any behaviour. A key example is phenylketonuria (PKU) which is cuased by a pair of defective genes (nature) but this is only a risk if the child eats dairy products (nurture).
Methods of investigation: twin studies and adoption studies.
Application to approaches:
Biological - this approach focuses on the influence of genes which can be seen on the nature side of this debate, however they do acknowledge environmental influences.
Psychoynamic - this approach is heavily nature becuase Freud states all individuals go through the psychosexual stages of development.
Behaviourist: this approach is heavily on the nuture side as it states behaviour is directly shaped and contolled by the environment.
Application to topics areas:
Schizophrenia - the diathesis-stress model (interaction between nature and nurture)
Gender development - genetic development eg XX and XY or environmental pressures.