When approaching all exam questions, a good way of picking up easy marks is to try and define any key terms given in the question.So here I would firstly define economies of scale. Economies of scale occur when unit cost falls as output increases.Examiners mark hundreds of papers and are only human so can make mistakes. Therefore we want to show the examiner that we have covered all bases of the question and have picked up all the marks. A easy way to do this is to use the structure PEA:P = Point = State your pointOne way in which Five Guys could achieve economies of scale is through buying in bulk.E = Explanation = Explain your point in further depthThis will reduce average cost and allow Five Guys to lower prices making it more competitive.A = Application = Use example in the question to elevate answerFor example, if Five Guys bought meat for its burgers in bulk. This will reduce the average costs per burger and will allow Five Guys to lower prices, making it more competitive.If you are able to embed Application throughout your Point and Explanation, that's great!But if you struggle to remember to do this using the structure PEA is a good way to cover all basis to make sure you hit all the grade boundaries.
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