First, read the poem thoroughly. Next, remember that this is a poem not a piece of prose. Before identifying major themes; assess the form and sound of the poem. For form, ask how many lines does it have? How long or short are the lines? Are all the lines a similar length or are they different? How many stanzas are there? Again, are they short or long? For sound; is there a rhyme scheme? Is it regular? Can you identify any metric forms? Can you see any assonance or alliteration?Proceed then to read through the poem to find its themes. Identify language and imagery which contribute to the effect it produces on you, the reader. Perhaps consider whether the themes you have identified remind you of a poetic genre; loss and unhappiness, is it an elegy? love and longing, is it love poetry? Finally, to bring your analysis together, how do the formal and sonic features of the poem show its themes and produce an effect on the reader? Perhaps assonance is used to slow down reading speed, producing a lethargic feel which contributes to a sense of fatigue in war poetry. By considering the thematic, formal and sonic aspects of a poem you will be able to produce a fully fleshed out piece of poetic analysis.