From personal experience, I believe the best way for revising for literature is kowing the works. This does not mean know the plot and the names of the characters (even though that's a start...). By know, I mean know emotions and feel the works you study. Therefore, read them, read them again, and then start picking out things that link you with the main character.
Then, whilst writing an essay, it will be easier to come up with analysis and interpretations of text - not only because you will know what you are saying, but also because you can make a judgement based on yourself and how you percieve the universe the protagonists (and antagonists) live in.
I find the best way to do this is reading it out loud, possibly with friends. Second best way? Read it and discuss. Even if you think it is far-fetched and 'wrong', say it! Then you start to realise that you can argue your way out of anything, because to you, what you think is real. And that is the beauty with literature: there is no right or wrong... everything is correct as long as you can back it up!