This questions allows itself to be discuss in varying different manners linked perfectly to the marking criteria of both a GCSE and A Level spec. The ambiguity of both "sense" and the absolute nature of "are" opens up an interesting dichotomy of authorial intention of the question, and the abstract nature of English Literature and Language. For example, by insinuating that all characters are autobiographical, it takes away the creative intention of the author - therefore, arguing that authorial creativity and intention is lost would be an interesting starting point, especially when in conjunction with he ambiguity of literature.
Furthermore, one could argue that characters are autobiographical, and would make a prevalent and interesting link to context (not only the authors context, proving a probing interest in the literature and history) and to the drawing context of the authors works to that specific piece, showing an enriched level of reading. In terms of literary interest, one could also argue that the characters are not autobiographical per-say, rather an allegory, or symbolic, linking in a discussion of themes.