At Oxbridge, you are taught in tutorials, which are small groups of 1/2/3 where any work you have done that week is discussed with a tutor who teaches you your subject. Interviews are essentially mock tutorials, and as your interviewer will likely be the person taking your tutorials, they are interviewing you to see if they want to teach you. Therefore, the most important thing they are looking for is someone who is passionate about the subject, and interested in it like they are. To prepare, read some of the books that are on the first year reading list for you subject, which can easily be found on the university website, and also read any other books on your subject on a topic that interests you. As you read, think about your opinion or response to what you have read, because it is your opinion and response that they will be looking for in an interview. Finally, make sure that you have read everything you referenced in your personal statement, and prepared answers for any potential questions the interviewer might ask you about what you said about the things you read. You probably will only be asked one or two questions about your personal statement, but it is important that you answer them well, because it will not impress them if they find out that you did not read something you said you had.
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