In order to achieve full marks, you have to establish what the question is asking of you. This is achieved by looking at the command words in the question and the number of marks avaliable.The number of marks avaliable, tells you how much you should be writing,Example: for a 6 mark question, you ideally need to make a least 6 points in order to achieve full marks. Then you need to look at the command word in the question, these are words such as: "describe" "explain" "analyse". These tell you what you need to do when answering the question, Examples:"Explain" - this is asking you to give reasons for things. You need to show the link between the topic and how it affects the business. "Analyse" - this means examine in detail. You need to go further into your points, asking yourself questions such as "why" or "how". You need to look at the effects and explain then.