We’ve got to remember that expand means to multiply out, so that word is really important because it tells us what operation to use. The order we multiply in can be remembered using the word FOILS, which stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last, Simplify. So the first thing to do is multiply the First term in each bracket, which gives us 6x^2. Then multiply the outer terms, which gives us -12x. We’ve got to be careful to remember that a + x - = - . Multiplying the Inner terms gives us +10x and multiplying Last terms gives -20. To finish off the question we need to remember to second key word in the question, simplify. We must remember that only ‘like terms’ can be added together, so my final answer is 6x^2 -2x -20. Again make sure you’re careful with negative numbers, think in temperatures if that helps: -12 degrees and it gets 10 degrees hotter takes us to -2 degrees.