These words are the Spanish equivalents of 'this', 'that', 'these' and 'those'. First of all, 'este' 'ese' and 'aquel' are used to refer to singular, masculine objects. 'Esta' 'esa' and 'aquella' are for singular feminine objects and 'esto', 'esos' and 'aquello' are used in the neutral form (for concepts and ideas without a clear gender). 'Estos', 'esos' and 'aquellos' are masculine plural and 'estas', 'esas' and 'aquellas' are feminine plural. Whether we use 'este', 'ese' or 'aquel' depends on the distance of the object in time or space from the speaker. 'Este/esta/esto/estos/estas' (this/these) refers to things that are near to or associated with the speaker. Este de aqui This one here'Ese/esa/esos/esos/esas' (that/those) refers to things that are further away in time (i.e. not the present) or space. Ese de ahi That one there'Aquel/aquella/aquello/aquellos/aquellas' (that/those) refers to things that are very far away in time or space. Aquel de alli That one over there (very far away). We can also use 'aquel' and 'este' to refer to 'the former' and 'the latter'. Hay dos perros en adopcion, Huesos y Lucas, este es carinoso y aquel es mas agresivo. There are two dogs up for adoption, Huesos and Lucas, the latter is affectionate and the former is more aggressive.