Presenting your working out is extremely important because it's makes the examiners jobs easier, keeping them happy.One thing you should aim to do is not write too small, try and use all the space you're given in the answer booklet. Leave clear spaces between different equations so they don't get muddled up.Make sure that when you're writing down your working out you don't miss out any of the steps, even if you can easily do them in your head. This is because it makes it easier for the examiner to see how you got your answer. It also makes it easier for you to see where you might have slipped up when you check your work.Laying out your mathmatical steps in order is also important. If you're doing equations, I would suggest that you work down the page, lining up the equals sign underneath each other.Doing these things whilst you do practice exam questions will help you get into the habit of good presentation. Not only will your maths look good (who thought it could!?), most of all it'll help you get as many marks as you deserve!